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Her first novel




Then she met Proust.









What else?






portrait auteur

Her first poetry told the life of a butterfly, not very original you’re thinking, but don’t judge too soon, she was only six ! Her first novel showed an incredible dealer lost in the bush, it only takes two pages, but wait, she was ten and her author of choice was Jack London, because of the dogs.

Following these two attempts she spent quite a lot of time in high schools gazing at the pink chestnut tree blossom and reading all there is to be read. Then she met Proust.

Next she attended university, Paris 8, Literature, chinese, spanish and anglo-american, with a preference for Faulkner, Hawthorne and the White Whale.

She taught literature to young people, wrote pedagogic works and articles, before joining the world of photography, fashion and marketing.

She travelled around the world before bringing back some papers and mementos.

But it was time to immerse herself in writing. A river flowing not with honey but with books for young people, novels for adults, scripts and plays. Let’s hope that it becomes a wide river.

She runs creative workshops in high schools, libraries, universities and lives in Paris, which is like a whole country in itself, with one eye watching on Asia and the other la Creuse, so famous in England yet pratically unheard of in France


To be published

Ouragans (Hurricanes)
Seuil jeunesse Mai 2OO6

Short stories about monsoon, hurricanes and love streams


La nuit du rappeur (Rap's night)
Après la lune Septembre 2006

Rap, french suburbs, curfew, poetry


Novels and short stories for young people


Lettres d’Afrique ( Letters from Africa)
Syros 2005 Paris

nine short stories : children or teen’s point de vue on love, war, death, hunting from Algéria to Mozambic, Senegal, Rwanda, Tunisia, Marocco, Congo…

The last one collects letters from a young marin writing from Africa to his litte sister.


Le coup du crabe (Crab's action)
Magnard 2004 Paris

The fantastic adventures of the genuine Small Paper Man


Quinze ans, la mort au bout du couloir

(15 years: old enough to die)
Syros 1993-2004

Two teens in the deathrow area in USA
Trad. : deutsch, spanish, catalan


Novels and short stories for adults


D'Alex à Lise (From Alex to Lise)
Baleine 1999 Paris

Love, difference, writing.


Les Hautes Lumières (High lights)
Le Masque 2002 Paris

Vietnam USA, Alex and Dean, two narrators looking for their aowns identity


Good morning Web Nam
Polar du Routard (Hachette) 2001 Paris

Vietnam from pagoda to pagoda, spirituality, humour and suspens


Les grands barrages (Barrages)

La passe du vent 2000 Paris

Six short stories : river and memory…



Mousson Blues and Matéré (Monsoon blues, Mothers)
Impressions nouvelles Paris-Bruxelles

Mousson Blues : Vietnam to day face to face to Indochina of the 3Oties.
Matéré : mothers


Pièces juste noires      (Dark plays)
Le bruit des autres 2002

Trilogy about justice : from incivility to pain of death. Dramatical Comedies.


Pièces policières ( Detective plays)
Retz 1997 Paris

Funny plays about Mozart, for children

Clowns, pitres, farceurs  (Clowns, buffoons, jokers)

Retz 2004 Paris

For children Funny sketchs for children about 5 years old


Webthea, journal des spectacles, Théâtres, L’Avant-scène cinéma, L’Avant-scène théâtre, Femme actuelle…



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